Q: What instruments and accessories are necessary to measure the Insertion Loss of a Jumper
cable (Patch Cord)?
A: A Light Source and a Power Meter are always required. For Single-Ended testing, one
Standard Jumper Cable and one Mating Adapter connecting the Standard Jumper Cable and the
Jumper Cable under test are needed. For Double-Ended testing, two Standard Jumper Cables and
two Mating Adapters are needed.
Q: What is the correct way to measure the Insertion Loss of a Jumper cable (Patch Cord)?
A: (1). Single-Ended Testing Method (For Low loss fiber jumper testing or connector testing):
First, calibrate the Power Meter using the Standard Jumper Cable to connect the Light Source
and Power meter. Zero the Power meter. Then, remove the Jumper Cable from the Power meter
end and connect it to the Jumper Cable under test with a Mating Adapter. The new Power Meter
reading is the IL of the connector. Reverse the Jumper Cable connection to test the other end.
The final IL of the Jumper Cable is the sum of the two values.
(2). Double-Ended Testing Method (For high loss fiber): First, calibrate the Power Meter
using both Standard Jumper Cables to connect the Light Source and Power meter, using one
Mating Adapter to connect the two Standard Jumper Cables. Zero the Power meter. Then,
disconnect one end of the Mating Adapter, and reconnect the Jumper Cable under test with
another Mating Adapter between the two Standard Jumper Cables. The new Power Meter
reading is the IL of the Jumper Cable.
Q: Why is my RL testing result much smaller than the value on the testing datasheet?
A: For any components with more than one port, the RL testing has to be done with its output
port(s) terminated by using index-matched solution or simply winding up the fiber on a pencil.
The RL value becomes smaller if the fiber end face or the connector is dirty.
A: Yes, you can use them at a temperature outside the range without damage of the components. The limitation is dependent on the structure of each component. The performance of the component will be lower than the specs. Please contact us for the temperature limitation and the performance.